View Our Videos

videography melbourneIf a picture is worth a thousand words imagine how many a video is worth! 

Video has become the major form of content, YouTube is now the second largest search engine after Google. Many user spend hours watching videos on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and even TikTok. 

A survey on HubSpot in 2018 showed that 54% of consumers wanted to see more video content from brands and business that they support. The reason for this is that videos are a great way to tell a story. businesses can connect with customers much quicker, giving them the option of getting their information out there quicker or using the format to say a little more.

If you want to add video to your current website or create one for your brand-new website, we’ve got experienced videographers to help you get it done. 

There are loads of different ways of using video, if you don’t like being in front of a camera or don’t want to be, there are other many other options:

  • Standard video
  • Animation
  • Typography
  • Photo montage

video production melbourneThere are a number of ways you can use video on your website:

  • Introduction – If you have an about us page or a meet the team page, this could be a good place to use video to introduce your company or team. Using video will allow you to show more of your personality too. More than ever the audience want to know who they’re supporting and/or doing business with. They want to physically see who they’re dealing with.
  • Products and services – When selling products video is a great way to show them off, giving customers more information about them. You can also use video to show more detail, or even show it in use.
  • Instructional – If suited to your product or service it can be good to provide instructional videos for your customers to view. Having a QR code on your instruction manual/booklets linking to a video can be a great idea.

Videography Services Melbourne

Videos will also help your SEO. Videos can have a number of your chosen keywords attached making them searchable. If you use a hosting site like YouTube, you can add backlinks from YouTube to your website. And if you want to share it on social media the engagement could help your video show up for more people, increasing your web traffic and potential customers.

We work with you to figure out which video is best for you and where to use it. We’ll help understand how to build relationships between you and your customers. Video can be the reason you’re remembered over another company, so get in touch and we’ll get you started on your video journey.  

How To Prepare For A Video Shoot

Getting ready for a video shoot involves many steps to ensure that the end product is of high quality and meets your objectives. Regardless of the typ of video you choose to shoot, these guidelines can help to prepare for a successful shoot:

Define Your Objectives
Clearly identify the purpose of your video. What are you trying to convey, and what are your main goals?

Plan Your Video
come up with a script or outline to organise your content. This will save a lot of time during the shoot. creating a shot list is also really helpful, detail the specific shots you need to capture.

Assemble Your Team
Make a list of who will be involved in the video shoot, is there a director, camera operator, actors, and crew. Use this list to make sure everyone knows their role.

Select Your Location
Make sure the location is suited to the shoot, that fits the content and aesthetic you’re aiming for. Make sure it’s available and get the necessary permits if applicable.

We provide all the lighting you’ll need. Natural light can work, but we also use external lights to control the lighting conditions, especially if we’re shooting indoors.

We use external microphones for better audio quality. Checking the sound before moving on with the shoot is really important to ensure clear and balanced audio.

Wardrobe and Makeup
If you have actors or presenters, make sure they have the script in plenty of time and check that the wardrobe and makeup for the shoot is organise well in advance.

Conduct a rehearsal to familiarize your team with the script and any specific actions or movements required.

Set Design and Props
Arrange the set, ensuring that it complements your content. Place any necessary props and decorations.

Camera Settings
Making sure the camera setting are optimal, including resolution, frame rate, and exposure can make the post production process much quicker and easier and the overall outcome  better.

Framing and Composition
Plan your shots carefully, considering framing and composition for each scene.

Shot List and Storyboard
Refering to your shot list and storyboard regularly helps to guide your shooting process.

Time Management
Create a shooting schedule to stay on track and use time efficiently. Factor in breaks and meals.

Backup Equipment
Carry backup batteries, memory cards, and any essential equipment in case of technical issues.

Make one of the team resposible for keeping the equipment and props organised. This will minimise downtime during the shoot.

Permissions and Releases
If your shoot involves actors/extras or private property, make sure you have all thenecessary release forms and permissions to use their images.

Prioritise safety for all involved. Adress any hazardous situations or stunts well before the shoot and take proper precautions.

Start recording and capture the planned shots. Take multiple takes if necessary to ensure quality.

Review Footage
take time out during the shoot to review the footage and make sure everything is as expected.

Post-Production Planning
Keep the post-production process in mind as you shoot, it will impact your editing decisions.

Data Backup
Backing up your footage during the shoot and immediately after in really important to avoid losing any data.

How To Create Engaging Videos

Getting the most out of a shoot requires a combination of creativity, planning, and understanding your target audience. We have created a list of tips to help you create videos that capture and hold your viewers’ attention:

Know Your Audience
Having an understand the demographics, interests, and preferences of your target audience. Tailor your content to what they find interesting.

Strong Beginnings
Hook your viewers in the first few seconds. Make sure you have an attention-grabbing intro, great questions and compelling visuals to draw them in.

Tell a Story
Storytelling is a powerful way to engage viewers. A narrative structure with a beginning, middle, and end can keep the audience invested in your content.

High-Quality Visuals
Auality camera equipment is crucial. You should also be mindful of lighting, composition, and framing. Getting high-quality visuals will make a significant difference in engaging viewers.

Clear Audio
Ensure that your audio is clear and well-balanced. Having a high quality microphone can reduce background noise as much as possible amking the video more appealing.

Remove any unnecessary or dull parts of content. It’s important to keep the pace moving and engaging by using cuts, transitions, and effects effectively.

Music and Sound Effects
Take you time to find background music and sound effects that can enhance the viewer’s experience and evoke emotions.

Engaging Thumbnails and Titles
Make compelling titles for your video and thumbnails and make sure they accurately represent your content and make viewers want to click.

Add Value
Provide valuable and informative content. If you can solve a problem, answer a question, entertain, or inspire your audience it will be really valuable content that users will share.

Keep it Concise
The general audiences attention spans are very short, keep your videos concise. Make sure you deliver your message in a clear and efficient manner.

Varied Visuals
Having a variety of shots, angles, and camera motion can keep the visuals interesting.

Use Humor
Humor can be an effective way to engage viewers, but it should be appropriate for your content and audience.

Relatable and Authentic
Be true to your business and create content that resonates with your personality and experiences. Authenticity builds a stronger connection with your audience.

Encourage audience engagement by asking questions, running surveys, and prompting viewers to like, comment, and subscribe.

Appeal to emotions in your videos. Content that makes laugh, feel empathy, or excitement is more likely to be shared and engaged with.

Maintain a consistent posting schedule. Users are much more likely to engage with sites that regularly provide content.

Contect with other businesses creating content or influencers in your niche. They can help to introduce your content to a wider audience.

Audience Feedback
Address comments and feedback from your viewers. Propmtly respond to comments and adapt your content based on their input.

SEO Optimization
Using relevant keywords specific to your business in your video description, tags, and title improves discoverability on platforms like YouTube.

Test and Analyze
Analytics toolsare really helpful to track the performance of your videos. It’s really important to understand what works and what doesn’t, adjust your content accordingly.

Providing engaging videos for your target market is an ongoing process of learning and adapting. Play around with different techniques and formats, don’t be afraid to take some risks to keep your content fresh and exciting for your audience.

Tips For Presenting On Video

If you haven’t presented on video before you will require a combination of skills and preparation to effectively convey your message and engage with your audience. Regardless of if you’re hosting a YouTube channel, giving online presentations, or are in in videos for other purposes, here’s a guide on how to be a successful video presenter:

Define Your Niche and Audience
Make sure you understand your target audience and the specific niche or topic you’ll be presenting on. Understand their interests, needs, and preferences.

Script and Content Planning
Outline your video content or create a script. Make a plan of the key points you want to cover and the overall structure of your presentation.

Be Informed and Rehearse
Thoroughly research your topic to be well-informed. Run through your script regularly before the shoot or presentation multiple times to become comfortable with the content.

Confidence and Enthusiasm
Project confidence and enthusiasm in your delivery. Believing in your content and being passionate about it can make a significant difference in engaging your audience.

Body Language
Maintain good posture, make eye contact with the camera, and use expressive gestures to engage viewers.

Vocal Delivery
Speak clearly and at a moderate pace. Avoid speaking too fast or too slow. Vary you voice in tone and pitch to keep your voice engaging.

Visual Appearance
Dressing appropriately for your target customers and the nature of your content is crucial. Make sure you look professional.

Set and Lighting
Choose a well-lit and clutter-free background. Proper lighting is essential to ensure you’re clearly visible on camera.

Use a Teleprompter or Cue Cards
If needed, use cue cards or a prompter screen to help you remember your lines and maintain good eye contact with the camera.

Invest in quality video equipment, including a quality camera, microphone, and appropriate software for editing and post-production.

Practice Delivery
Practice your performance by doing a test recording and reviewing the footage. This helps you identify areas for improvement.

Engage with Your Audience
Encourage interaction from you customers by asking questions, inviting comments, and responding to viewer feedback.

Nonverbal Cues
Smile and make facial expressions that match the tone of your content. Be aware of your body language and expressions, they should be authentic and engaging.

Handling Mistakes
Remember it’s okay to make mistakes; it happens to everyone. Keep your composure and continue on, or edit out errors in post-production.

Maintain a Consistent Schedule
If you are creating for a platform like YouTube, create a consistent posting schedule to keep your audience engaged and informed.

Edit your video to enhance its quality. Remove unnecessary pauses, filler words, and awkward moments. Add relevant visuals or overlays as needed.

Engage with the Camera
Treat the camera as if it’s your audience. Speak to it the camera as if it’s a person, connect with viewers, and maintain eye contact.

Learn from Feedback
Pay attention to viewer feedback and comments. Use the feedback you receive to improve your presenting skills and content.

Study Successful Presenters
Watch and learn from successful presenters that you like. Analyse their techniques and use what works for you.

Keep Learning
Work on improving your skills and staying updated on video production and presentation techniques. Attend workshops or take courses if necessary.

Learning how to be a proficient video presenter takes time and practice. It’s really important to develop your unique style and build a connection with your audience. Remember, authenticity and engagement are key factors in being a successful video presenter.

Creating Video For Products & Services

Creating videos for products, whether for marketing, advertising, or product demonstrations, is a powerful way to showcase your offerings and engage your audience. We have created a guide on how to create effective product videos:

Define Your Objectives
Clearly outline the goals of your product video. What are you aiming to boost? Sales, educate customers, or build brand awareness?

Know Your Audience
Who are you targeting? What are thier needs, preferences, and pain points. Make sure to tailor your video to address their interests and concerns.

Plan Your Video
Develop a video concept and storyline. Decide on the type of product video you want to create (e.g., product demo, unboxing, explainer video, testimonial, or a combination).

Script or Outline
Write a script or outline the key points you want to cover. Show the product’s unique features, benefits, and value to the customer.

Select the Right Setting
Choose an appropriate location or setting that complements your product. Ensure good lighting and a clean backdrop.

Gather Equipment
Collect the necessary equipment, including a high-quality camera, tripod, lighting, microphones, and any props or accessories needed.

Prepare your product for filming, ensuring it’s clean and in perfect condition. Consider using close-ups to highlight details.

Use Storytelling
Create a story around your product/s that connect with your customers emotionally. This will make the video more engaging and memorable.

Lighting and Sound
Lighting is really important to showcase your product effectively. Use external lighting sources if necessary. Ensure clear and high-quality audio with external microphones.

Camera Techniques
Use a variety of camera angles, movements, and close-ups to highlight the product’s features and create visual interest.

Human Element
If appropriate, include people in your video to demonstrate how the product is used or to provide testimonials. This makes for a personal touch and builds trust.

If your product has a technical aspect, show how it works through step-by-step demonstrations. Be clear and concise in your explanations.

Call to Action
Have a clear and compelling call to action (CTA) towards the end of the video, instructing viewers on what to do next, like visiting your website, making a purchase, or subscribing.

Edit your video to improve its quality. Get rid of unnecessary footage, add transitions, and include graphics or text overlays as needed.

Music and Sound
Inlude background music that suits the video. Make sure that the music does not overpower the audio narration or product demonstrations.

Incorporate your brand’s logo, colors, and consistent design elements to reinforce your brand identity.

Optimize for Mobile
Make sure your video is mobile-friendly, many viewers watch videos on smartphones and tablets.

SEO Optimization
Optimize your video’s title, description, and tags to improve its visibility on platforms like YouTube.

Test and Share
Before releasing the video share the video with a small group of people to gather feedback. Use feedback to make necessary improvements and then share it across your marketing channels.

Monitor and Analyze
It’s really important to work with analytics tools to track the performance of your product video. Address engagement, click-through rates, and conversion rates to assess its effectiveness.

Successful product videos generally focus on the benefits and value your product offers to the customer. Your video should be clear, informative, and visually appealing, with a strong call to action to prompt the viewer to take the next step.

How To Get Exposure For Your Videos

The main point of goin to the trouble of producing video is to get exposure and reach a larger audience to achieve your goals, that could be to building a following, promote a product, or sharing valuable content. We have come up with some strategies to help you get more exposure for your videos:

Optimize for SEO
We recommend using relevant keywords in your video title, description, and tags to improve its discoverability on platforms like YouTube. Do some research on popular search terms related to your content.

Engaging Thumbnails
Create eye-catching and relevant thumbnails that encourage viewers to click on your video. Thumbnails should accurately represent the video’s content.

Social Media Promotion
It’s important to have your videos on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Make sure you post to each platform and engage with your followers.

It’s an idea to collaborate with other content creators or influencers in your niche for cross-promotion. This can expose your content to a wider audience.

Email Marketing
Send your video to your email subscribers. Have a brief, compelling description to encourage customers to watch the video.

Website Integration
Embed your video on your website or blog. This will provide additional exposure and also keep visitors engaged on your site.

Video SEO
Video SEO best practices are really important on your website, including schema markup, transcript text, and video sitemaps.

Paid Advertising
Consider using paid advertising on platforms like YouTube, Facebook, or Instagram to promote your video to a targeted audience. Set a budget and make specific targeting parameters.

Video Sharing Platforms
Utilise video-sharing platforms other than the standards, such as Vimeo, Dailymotion, or TikTok, depending on your target audience.

Influencer Marketing
Partner with influencers or micro-influencers in your niche who can share or promote your video to their followers.

Blog Posts and Articles
Create blog posts or articles related to your video content and embed the video within the post. Share the post on your website and social media channels to create backlinks.

Guest Appearances
Appear as a guest on other peoples channels or podcasts to promote your video and gain exposure to their audience.

Make a regular posting schedule to build an audience over time. Consistency helps retain viewers and encourages subscriptions.

Engage with Your Audience
Respond to comments on your videos. Interacting with your customers can increase engagement and encourage viewers to return for more content.

Trend Participation
Make videos around trending topics or challenges to tap into current conversations and reach a wider audience.

Work with other creators who share your target audience. Working with other businesses can attract new viewers from your collaborators’ fan base.

Analyze and Improve
Use analytics tools to track the performance of your videos. Make changes based on your data to improve future content and promotional strategies.

Online Communities
Get involved in online forums, groups, or communities relevant to your content. Share your videos when appropriate, but avoid spamming.

Transcriptions and Closed Captions
Add transcriptions and closed captions to your videos. This helps to be more accessible to a broader audience and can improve search rankings.

Attend industry events, conferences, and webinars to network with others in your field. Share your video content with professionals who might find it valuable.

Getting exposure for your videos may take time and effort, but it’s essential for growing your audience and achieving your video-related goals. Patience is nessesary to be, consistent, and open to adapting your strategy based on what works best for your specific audience and niche.

Videography Melbourne
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Our Photography & Video Clients

Geralds Bar

Our favourite bar in Melbourne! We were so happy to shoot this promo video for Geralds Bar. If you haven’t been to Geralds before we absolutely recommend that you do.

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Caffe Assist

We shot this promo video for caffe assist in 2019. They have since had huge success in Australia and are now moving into the international market. A great invention and lovely people too!

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Melbourne Natural Therapies

A promo video shoot highlighting the services at Melbourne Natural Therapies.

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Southgate Medical Centre

We shot this information video for Southgate Medical Centre Just before the first Covid 19 Lockdown in 2020 to give patients information regarding infection control processes at the centre.

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Melbourne Natural Therapies

We shot this information video for Melbourne Natural Therapies Just before the first Covid 19 Lockdown in 2020 to give clients information on their telehealth services.

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